Meeting- Ivy

Hey there! My name is Ivy and I am the ringleader of this family!

A little about me.

I am a 30 something year old who has experienced more to life than should even be possible by someone this age. Although, when you think about it, the younger generations are going to have this claim as well. My younger life wasn’t the greatest and I developed into a pretty rockin parent (if I can call myself that). I had my first child right at the turning point of my life where I was planning on running away with nothing other than a backpack and a camera. I had zero pregnancy symptoms and took a test on a whim and low and behold, my son was there! 

Having my son let me know that I needed to grow up a little and maybe revisit the concept of what I wanted my life to be. I left being a waitress and decided to use my psychology degree and became a student teacher in a special education school. I LOVED IT! So, I taught for a few years. Then, I came across a job posting for a Child Protection Investigator and found something that called my name.  So, I went back to school (and being a waitress), got my Master’s Degree and joined the field of CPS where I have been for 6 years (More information about my experience in CPS is on a different post!)

I now have another child, a little girl, who is a mini-me. She has made me revisit a lot of what drew me to teaching in 2018 and made me think about how much has changed with what parents are expected to do and how they are “supposed” to parent their children. That is something I hope to discuss through these postings. I am not an expert and I do not claim to be, however, I have been told that I know a thing or two that might be good to share!

So, as you explore this site, please feel free to email me questions and I will do my best to respond. If there is interest or a request for another post, I will do that too! It will help me think of more to write!

Thank you for reading and I look forward to going on this adventure with you all!
