Learning Love Languages by watching “Encanto”.

Okay, so let’s talk about “Encanto.” As a mom with two adorable tornadoes – I mean, kids lol – this movie hit home in a big way. Beyond the stunning visuals and catchy tunes, it slyly sneaks in the idea of love languages. And let me tell you, as a therapist AND a mom and partner, I couldn’t help but love the different ways the Madrigal family showed their love.

Let’s break down these love languages and why they’re so relatable for us parents.

1. Acts of Service – Dolores’ Culinary Mastery

Dolores, the family chef, is all about acts of service. She’s in that kitchen, whipping up meals that are basically a hug on a plate. And it made me think – isn’t that what we do every day? Cooking up those favorite dishes, doing the laundry, helping with homework – these little acts scream love without us even saying it.

2. Words of Affirmation – Isabela’s Heartfelt Melody

Isabela’s song “What Else Can I Do?” is like a symphony of words of affirmation. She’s singing her heart out for her family, and isn’t that what we do too? Our endless “good jobs,” “I’m proud of yous,” and “you’re amazing” – they’re our way of making sure our kids know they’re our world.

3. Quality Time – Julieta’s Nature Bond

Julieta, the animal whisperer, nails quality time. She’s all about those heart-to-heart connections. And it hit me – in this world of screens and gadgets, carving out real face time is precious. From park picnics to bedtime stories, these moments are where the real magic happens.

4. Physical Touch – Antonio’s Hugs Galore

Antonio, the hug champion of the family, thrives on physical touch. He’s all about those hugs, and let’s be real, so are we. Amid the chaos of life, those tight squeezes, forehead kisses, and comforting cuddles are like glue holding us together.

5. Gifts – Mirabel’s Thoughtful Gestures

Mirabel, with her thoughtful tokens, speaks the gift love language. She crafts little presents that say “I get you.” And aren’t we all about that? From surprise toys to heartfelt handmade cards, we know that sometimes it’s the little things that mean the most.

So, here’s the thing: “Encanto” isn’t just about animated adventures. It’s about decoding how we show and feel love. As a mom, I’m nodding along to these love languages because I see them in my family every day. So, gather the kiddos, watch “Encanto” together, and let’s chat about how we express love – because, in the end, that’s what truly keeps our family enchanted. 💖